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Cross Field Snap Shooting + Running & Shooting Drill This is a two phase drill with multiple objectives and consequences. The drill works on cross field snap shooting accuracy, moving and shooting with limited shots, consequences for misses which simulates being exhausted towards the end of the match, and...
Read more >ZONE CONTROL A huge deciding factor on winning games easily is proper zone control. Far too often do I see teams eliminate players off the break from a side, then shoot the next widest guy, but they let a player fill over and they lose...
Read more >One of the oldest tricks to seeing your profile while snap shooting is by doing it in the mirror. That is great for working on your paintball game at home, but it doesn't give you that real deal feel! When you head out to the field to do...
Read more >Snap-shooting over the top of the bunker is one of the trickiest snapshots of all. You are more exposed and it is much slower than snap-shooting from the side. However it is a crucial move and one of the most common mistakes is getting too close to the bunker. If...
Read more >Snap-shooting is one of the most crucial skills to train in paintball. Not everyone on the field will get to lane on the break, or play the snake, or bunker someone in every single point, but almost everyone will find themselves in a snap shooting situation in every single...
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