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This snap-shooting drill is called Low Mid High. You must shoot a single target from a low position, then a middle position, and then a high position. A miss resets the sequence. This drill works on gun fighting from different heights and will increase your success. SHOP THE...
Read more >I follow three simple rules when I snap shoot. 1) I roll out and in, instead of using all of my body. 2) I aim small miss small. I never try to just shoot the whole target. 3) I imagine I have an invisible line or rope attached from my...
Read more >Far too often I watch people slowly walk off the field and into their team pit. Then when they get into the pits they are busy sharing war stories and discussing nothing of importance. Then they are left rushing out last minute to the starting gate only to be...
Read more >Visualize Success & Take Action Everyone has their own ways of mentally and physically preparing for matches. For me, I like to visualize the match or point actually being played. I run through so many scenarios in my head, and try to find ways to solve them before I...
Read more >No one likes to see their teammate get shot out, but the difference in a skilled player and a non-skilled player is the way they use the information provided by their eliminated teammate. Now we all know that dead players are not allowed to talk, but you can...
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